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sollux serket

He/Him, They/Them, 8/8
used to FLARP with my TLs Vriska Maryam, and Tavros Leijon. ended up in 8 freak accid8nt and both my arms were injured. i was moir8ils with 8 non-lime mut8nt Karkat Pyrope and i was either compl8tely or parti8lly nonverbal. my trolli8n was tabletopAgoraphobe. if this sounds familiar ple8se reach out! (i found my Eridan Makara!!)

He/Him, She/Her, Two/Twos, Eight/Eights, Sprite/Sprites.
ii wa2 my TL’2 Dave Englii2h’2 2priite. ii remem8er u2 8eiing very clo2e. ii thiink the other 2priite2 iin our game were Halpeta, Eriiquiiu2, and Fefvro2. iif thii2 2ound2 famiiliiar plea2e reach out!!!!!!!! ::::)


sollux captor

He/Him, It/Its, Two/Twos.
no 2grub, ii liived wiith kk hiidiing from the empiire untiil we were adult2. ii know we 2hared atlea2t one quadrant but ii think we vacillated. hmu iif you thiink you remember me!!

He/Him, It/Its, Two/Twos.
ii godtiiered iin thii2 TL, ii wa2nt bliinded iin murder2tuck and 2tayed on the meteor where ii beecame clo2e two r2 and dv. ii had a falliing out wiith aa beefore our 2e22iion and ii wa2nt a2 clo2e two my kk a2 ii wouldve wanted. me and dave were iincrediibly clo2e iin thii2 TL and we had quadrant2 twogether.

sollux captor

sollux peixes

He/Him/His/Himshellf, Sea/Her/ Wat/Er, Me/Mer.
i wa2)( a 2omew)(at i2)(oalated )(eir“e22” w)(o wa2)( pretty 2poiled. i remember falling in and out of quadrant2 all t)(e time and wa2)(n’t on the be2t term2 wit)( my team. i wa2)( clo2e to my eridan maryam for a bit before we shell out again. i wa2 a royal pain in the ba22 and i’m not ready to sea anemone yet.

He/Him, It/Its, Thee/Thou Two/Twos.
ii wa2 an 8ctive roleplayer wiith my tiimeliine2 tavro2(oliive or jade 8lood? we were on pr8tty good term2) and ar8diia(teal/cerulean/iindiigo, we were kii2me2ii2) and wa2 a powerful p2iioniic. ii wa2 a godtiiered mage of l8ght iin four 2e22iion of 2gru8. my mems are 2till kiinda foggy but iif ii 2ound famiiliiar reach out!!!!!!!!

vriska captor

dave egbert english

He/Him, Rot/Rots
my mems for this TL are still foggy as hell. more later B)

He/Him, It/Its, Caw/Caws.
canon similar aside from the fact i didnt become davepeta. there was a davepeta just not me. think i came from the retcon tl with jegbert and roxy

dave sprite

dave strider

He/Him. i was soooo transgender
canon similar, albino white guy who lowkey was crushing on jegbert up till meteorstuck

He/Him, It/Its.
no sburb trollstuck. was in a vacillating relationship with sollux and karkles auspisticed us.

dayvid strydr

more on my tumblr